Digital Atelier

It is a computer room with 30 large screen Apple iMac. It is mainly used for Multimedia Education.

Digital Atelier Environment

Digital Atelier is equipped with visual and auditory application software.

Digital Atelier Rules and Regulations

  • Please shut down the computer after use.
  • Mouse, keyboard, headphone must be returned to its original position after use.
  • Smoking, drinking and eating is not allowed in the computer room.
  • You must inform the media design labatory staff of any problems that arise while using the computer.
  • Please check our announcements and website for opening hours during the term breaks.
  • Opening and closing hours may change due to maintainance, media design labatory staff circumstances and other reasons.
  • We only provide rental equipment for student who take digital atelier classes.
  • You may not use the AV equipment and inkjet printer in the digital atelier room. Please use the printer on the 3rd floor of 63bldg.
  • Do not install any software into the computer.
  • When there is a request from teacher who is responsible for the digital atelier class, we may accept the students to have priority use of the room for their assignment .
  • Please be careful with your belongings in the digital atelier.
  • Observe manners and be careful about security when using a network.
  • Any act imposing trouble on the others and anything which is contrary to public order or morality is prohibited.