Science and Engineering Computer Seminar (Fall Semester, 2021)

Seminar Information

Please apply by clicking the “Apply” button.

※Additional applications may be accepted if a vacancy arises in a seminar that has reached capacity. Please check this page for further information.

Date Time Seminar Name Apply
2021/12/6(Mon) 18:15-19:45 Introduction to Python [Japanese]
2021/12/7(Tue) 18:15-19:45 Introduction to C Programming [Japanese]
2021/12/10(Fri) 18:15-19:45 Introduction to LaTeX [Japanese]
2021/12/13(Mon) 18:15-19:45 Introduction to Excel [English]
2021/12/14(Tue) 18:15-19:45 Advanced C Programming [Japanese]
2021/12/16(Thu) 18:15-19:45 Advanced LaTeX [Japanese]
2021/12/17(Fri) 18:15-19:45 Advanced Excel [English]
2021/12/20(Mon) 18:15-19:45 Advanced Python [Japanese]
Location The webinar will be held using the web conferencing system “Zoom”.
Target All students, faculty and staff of Waseda University.
Capacity 50 people for each seminar. *Registration will be closed when capacity is reached.
Entry Free
How to Join
  1. Click on the “Apply” button.
  2. You will receive an email with the URL for the zoom meeting.
  3. Click on the zoom meeting URL to enter the room at the start time of the seminar day.
Notes on the seminar